Tuesday 19 August 2014

Learning More About Photography
Photography is the art and process of creating still life pictures by recording radiation on a sensitive medium. This is photographic film, or electronic imaging sensors that can capture the picture. Light is usually used instead of radiation in most cases of photography. When the light is reflected from the objects that are being captured, the objects form a real image on a light sensitive film or plate inside the camera using a timed exposure. This image can then be developed into a visual image for many purposes. 
History of Photography
Photography was initially invented in the 19th century. It created a whole new way to capture images instead of using paintings and sculptures. The usable process of photography dates back to the 1820's however when chemical photography was thought of. The first photoetching was produced in 1822 by Nicephore Niepce. He and Louis Daguerre invented a new way to take pictures quicker using silver and chalk. The first ever photo taken of a person was taken in 1839 with the new invention. Negative images were created in 1840 by a man named Talbot; his print is the oldest known negative in existence to this day. The blueprint was developed by John Herschel in 1819 by the use of silver halides. His discovery allowed pictures to be permanent, and made the first glass negative in 1839.
The wet plate collodion process of photography was used widely between 1852 and the late 1860's before the dry plate was introduced. It involved a positive image on glass, positive image on metal, and then the negative that was printed on salt paper. Advancements in photography continued to expand throughout the 19th century. The plates were replaced with film which is used today in 1884. Colors were introduced in 1908 by Gabriel Lippmann who won the Nobel Laureate in Physics for this creation.
Uses of Photography
A lot of people gained interest in photography for many reasons since it has been introduced. One of the biggest uses was for scientists to record and study movements in space, animals, and humans. Artists also gained interest in photography because they like to capture reality, and also turn reality into fantasy by distorting the images that they take creating art from these images for display. The military also uses photography for surveillance and date storage. Everyday people use photography to capture special moments in life, and to preserve those times in the pictures as well as a source for entertainment.
Production of Photography
Amateur production of photography is when photography is done in a not for profit way, and as a hobby. A person who is an amateur might have the skills of a professional, but do not want to turn their photographs into a professional type of work. Commercial production of photography is when the photographer is paid for their photography and used for a number of different things. Some of these things include advertising, fashion, crime scene photography, still life, museums, food, editorial, photojournalism, wedding photography and other professional portraits, landscape, paparazzi, and also wildlife photography. They are then produced in different outlets such as magazines and newspapers. The photographers are usually paid for their work.
Photography has since been a long time hobby and fun activity for people all over the world. There is a deep history involved with photography, many purposes for photography, and a general love of photography all over the world. Photography might not be for everyone, but it is a hobby or job for some. Whether the photographer wants to use their images for themselves or for a profit, photography is something that helps the world go around to this day.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6229648


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